Wednesday, February 24, 2021


Parenting, probably one of the most stressful activities we as adults engage in.  It is also a long term commitment, and as is the case in my own household, does not stop once your children leave your home to pursue their own adult lives.  I am a psychologist and develop psychometric instruments to measure various areas of human behaviour, such as, road behaviour, integrity perception, debt propensity, and many more.  My most recently developed test, measures parent functioning wellness.

Well-being/wellness is defined as the perception that one will experience positive outcomes to the events and circumstances of life.  It is an internally focused method of attaching value to the quality of the physical and emotional experiences of life. The PARENT FUNCTIONING WELLNESS QUESTIONNAIRE INDEX - PFWI factors, can be defined in terms of the absence of manifested difficulties (stress, depression, anxiety, etc.) or the presence of positive mental health attributes (inner locus of control, joy, calmness, etc.).  In some cases, the parent role can be highly demanding, and some of the wellness functioning areas measured in this questionnaire might well be the result of this demanding relationship/s, such as depression and anxiety.  In other cases, the parent might in any case not be well, e.g., work pressures, financial difficulties and the like might cause the problems/symptoms.  In many cases it is very much the hen-and-egg situation and dilemma, that is, one does not always know the exact cause-effect reaction chain.  For example, one might have difficulties at work, as well as an oppositional teenager in the house.  It then becomes difficult to discern which one of the two stressors create the initial stress and anger responses, as well as which one of the two, or both, exacerbates the dynamic.  Many parents react emotionally to these difficult situations, without taking a step back to rationally and logically determine causality, and to then make the necessary mental adjustments to deal with said stressors effectively.

The PARENT FUNCTIONING WELLNESS QUESTIONNAIRE INDEX - PFWI measures parent wellness in fifteen areas: Stress, Anger , Frustration , Depression , Anxiety , Locus of control , Self-esteem , Psychosomatic responses , Interpersonal relations , Parenting style: Democratic , Parenting style: Autocratic , Parenting style: Laissez faire , Parenting style: Communicative , Parenting style: Reactive , Coping style.

You, as a parent, can take the test and immediately receive a narrative report by accessing:

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